
How To Change Facebook Password On App

If you are a Facebook user, then you probably will need to change your Facebook login credentials at some point in time. Changing your Facebook password might be required because your current password was leaked or otherwise compromised. The reason can be a malicious activity on your profile, which will require you to change your password. Whatever the case may be, the only remedy is changing your Facebook password and enhancing the security of your account.

This article will walk you through the process of changing your Facebook password in the mobile app or on the mobile website. However, if you are using a computer to access your account, then you might consider our previous posts on the blog on how to reset your Facebook password via friends.

To successfully change your Facebook password on an Android phone, you must first have at least one of the following Android applications installed: the Facebook App or a web browser (usually pre-installed). You will need a web browser if you want to change your password through the mobile Facebook website. These are needed as prerequisites. If you have them installed then proceed. Otherwise, visit the Google Play store to install a web browser app.

Can I change my Facebook password on Android?

Yes, you can use your Android phone to change your Facebook password. This article will walk you through the step-by-step process on how to reset Facebook passwords in your Android app and mobile website. Install the Facebook app and a web browser of your choice before you proceed. However, there are other alternatives such as using your mobile phone number in the previous post.

How to change your Facebook password in the Android app?

  1. Locate the Facebook App on your mobile desktop. Tap on it to launch the app.

    Changing your password using the Facebook app: Loading Facebook...

  2. You will be prompted to enter your account credentials or Facebook login, if you had logged out from your previous session. Enter your username and password to log in once again. If you did not log out following your previous session on Facebook, then skip this step.

  3. Tap on the menu tab on the top right corner of your Facebook app. It is a square with three black horizontal lines (often called hamburger-menu, btw).

    Changing your password using the Facebook app: Select hamburger-menu to get to the Settings

  4. Scroll further down and tap on the menu item "Settings":

    Changing your password using the Facebook app: Select "Settings"-menu item to continue

  5. Tap on the "Security and Login". This is usually the first option on the account settings page which loads following the action completed in step 3 above.

    Changing your password using the Facebook app: Select "Security and Login"-menu item to continue

  6. To change your password, tap on "Change Password" on the next screen.

    Changing your password using the Facebook app: Select "Change Password" next.

  7. A new screen pops up which will prompt you to do the following: Enter your old password, a new password, and retype your new password in the provided password fields.

    Note: If you struggle with the current password you can always reset your password using the Facebook app as well.

    Changing your password using the Facebook app: Enter the current and new password.

    Tap on the "Change Password" to confirm and save the new password.

Done! You are all set: Your password has just been changed using the mobile Facebook website.

How to reset your Facebook password on the mobile app

  1. Locate the Facebook app icon on your mobile screen and tap on it to launch. Note that this method will be effective only if you did not log out following your previous Facebook session or nobody used the Facebook app after you.

    Reset password using Facebooks mobile app: Loading Facebook...

  2. Tap on the menu tab on the top right corner of the app (square with three black horizontal lines). Scroll down to "Settings" and tap on it.

    Reset password using Facebooks mobile app: Select hamburger-menu to get to the Settings

  3. Access the account settings screen by tapping on the first option, which is "Settings".

    Reset password using Facebooks mobile app: Select "Settings"-menu item to continue

  4. Choose "Security and Login" which will bring forth a new screen as shown in the image below. Tap on the "Forgotten password" at the bottom of the page.

    Reset password using Facebooks mobile app: Select "Security and Login"-menu item to continue

  5. Click on "Change Password" in the next screen to proceed.

    Reset password using Facebooks mobile app: Select the "Change Password" next.

  6. The next screen will prompt you to choose how you would like your password to be reset: either through email or text message. Choose the appropriate option and click "Continue":

    Reset password using Facebooks mobile app: Select a communication channel for the auth-code

    If you choose the email option, a password reset link will be sent to your email address. Sign in to your email account to access the link.

    If you choose a password reset through a text message, a password reset code will be sent to a phone number that is linked to your Facebook account. You might want to check out these details on how to reset your Facebook password using your phone number from our previous post.

  7. If you got a link through the email sent to you, you will be allowed to reset your password and enter your new password. If you received a code in a text message, you will be requested to enter the code before creating a new password.

    Reset password using Facebooks mobile app: Enter the auth-code to reset your password

With these steps you should have managed to reset your password using the Facebook mobile app and your email or phone number.

How to change your Facebook password using the mobile website?

If you aren't a fan of the Facebook app and still want to change your password, you can achieve the same result using the Facebook mobile website.

  1. Launch any mobile web browser installed in your Android phone and click on or type it in the address bar and tap "Go".

  2. Enter your Facebook user credentials to log into your account. An interface that is very similar to the Facebook app will load.

    Changing password on Facebooks mobile website: Enter your email/phone number and password to sign into Facebook

  3. Tap on the menu tab on the top right corner of your Facebook app. It is a square with three black horizontal lines.

    Changing password on Facebooks mobile website: Select the Hamburger icon to get to the settings.

  4. Scroll down until you find "Settings" and tap on it:

    Changing password on Facebooks mobile website: Select the "Settings" menu point.

  5. Tap on the "Security and Login". This is usually the first option on the account settings page which loads following the action completed in step 3 above.

    Changing password on Facebooks mobile website: Select the "Security and Login" option.

  6. To change your password, scroll down and tap on "Change Password" on the next screen:

    Changing password on Facebooks mobile website: Select "Change password" to continue.

  7. Enter your old password and your new password twice in the provided password fields. Finalize the change with a tab on "Save Changes"

    Changing password on Facebooks mobile website: Enter old and new password to continue.

Done! Your password is reset and you are good to go.

How to change your Facebook password using the mobile website if you've forgotten your password

If you aren't a fan of the Facebook app, but you need to reset a forgotten password, you can use the mobile website.

  1. Launch a mobile web browser on your mobile device. Click on or type it in the address bar to go to the mobile homepage of Facebook.

    Reset Facebook password on mobile website: Accessing Facebook homepage

  2. When the page finished loading, click on the "Forgotten Password".

    Reset Facebook password on mobile website: Tab on Forgotten Password

  3. Enter your mobile phone number or email address, whichever is linked to your Facebook account, and click "Search" to find your account. You can also use the "search by name" option.

    Reset Facebook password on mobile website: Search for your account

  4. Check one option, either send code by email or phone number, and continue with a click on "Continue".

    Reset Facebook password on mobile website: Select option

  5. Check your email or text messages, depending on the option used in the step above. Enter the code you received and "Continue".

    Reset Facebook password on mobile website: Enter code

  6. Type your new password and "Continue".

    Reset Facebook password on mobile website: Set new password

Done! Your new password has been saved and you are good to go once again!

Final words

Changing your Facebook account password through the app or mobile web page is as straightforward as outlined in this article. It is a good habit to regularly change your password as it can protect you from some cybercrimes. For your safety, change your password at least once every six months. If you have forgotten your Facebook password, then check out how to reset your Facebook password using your phone number. For Facebook account security, our previous post on How to make your Facebook account more secure is all you need.

How To Change Facebook Password On App


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